
Salad with Olives to go

One of the keys to eating the paleo-way, or something similar, is packing your lunches. On the road or in the school cafetaria it's impossible to find a salad without either breadcrumbs, cheese or corn. Unless you're willing to pay more than 6 euro's.. and to be honest, even if I was loaded, I'd still not want to spend my money that way.
Back when I first started I wish someone had told me how to do this, held my hand for a little while. And this is one of the main reasons I've wanted to start a blog like this.. So even though 'portable meals' might be the least fancy section of this already not so fancy blog, it IS my favorite part.

Now enough of my blabbering and on to how to make garlic-olives, as I said I would here.
- a package of green olives(30 pieces), 69 cents
- 10 cloves of garlic, ~25 cents

First remove the skin from your garlic. Then dip them into boiling water for 30 seconds or so. Put them in a jar and leave them for a week or two. They will start to soften up, and really make the jar smell like garlic. This is when they're ready for the olives. Cut up a clove into 3 equally sized parts, and stuff them where the olive pit used to be. Simple and delicious. Whole batch for just 84 euro cents.

Price of my lunch;
- 10 stuffed olives, ~30 cents
- Handfull of salad, ~20 cents
- One hard boiled egg(free range etc.), 28 cents
- An apple(organic), ~50 cents
- 2 carrots, ~15 cents

So that's 1,43 euro's (2,09 dollars) for a yummy lunch. Beat that subway!


Anonymous said...

Subway owns ur face. And lunch for that matter. Do not touch my precious holy place. And yes, by that I mean Subway BUNS. :9

Naomi said...

Oh come on Sebastiaan, you just like the girls that work there. And the convenience of having your kitchen across the street instead of in your own house!
Honestly, It's my favorite place to eat out, love the salad there.. but it's so expensive!

аренда жилья в барселоне недорого said...

Oh my god, there is a great deal of worthwhile data above!