- 1 cup diced butternut squash
- a handfull dried cranberries
- 1/2 can coconut milk
- 1/2 a diced onion
- 2 cloves sliced garlic
- 1 teaspoon curry powder
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
Start by frying the onion and garlic in some coconut fat, after a minute or so add the squash. Give them 2 or 3 minutes. Next add the cranberries and coconut milk. Then mix in the spices, and stir frequently. After a little while it should start to look like this ->
Bon appetit!
Not sure how I found your blog, but I can say that there are a few recipes here that I plan to try. I see you have a link to De Vany's blog, He is the man. Not sure if you're familiar with robbwolf.com, he has alot of good information as well as tasty meal ideas posted on his site. Take Care. KS.
Hadn't heard of that site before. Looked through it briefly, and I certainly will read more, seems very interesting!
Thanks for the link and the nice comment, Take care :)
I like this butternutsquash with cranberries recipe. these cookies are sure to taste great and are extremely nutritious as well. I am going to bake a batch for the holidays when my kids will be at home. I'll be sure that what they are eating is healthy.
making butternut squash right now and can't wait to eat it - thanks!
Is butternut squash considered paleo?
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Excellent just the recipe I was looking for. Very festive for this time of year too.
It is a delicious and fantastic recipe, thanks a lot for sharing it.
Great recipe thanks!
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