Broccoli and apple work really well together, especially with watercress. If you don't like watercress, which I've heard many don't, just substitute it with something else. But make sure you've tried watercress without all the stems. It's the stems that really put people off watercress, while if you take just the leaves, it's lovely stuff!
Ingredients (for two);
- two/three handfulls watercress
- 2 cups diced sweet&sour apple
- 2 cups broccoli flowers
- juice of 1 lemon
- a lot of olive oil
It's really so simple I feel slightly silly making a recipe out of it. Just mix up your ingredients! Give it a good toss, use generous amounts of olive oil and lemon juice. Don't bother removing the apple skin unless you've got one with a wax-layer. Don't fuss over the ingredient proportions. Bon appetit!
This looks awesome! I love broccoli and apple!
Great blog by the way, I found you via Robb Wolf's blog. Keep up the great work :)
Thanks a lot Steve :) I'll try!
Youre welcome :)
Its was de-li-ci-ouse!
outstanding site young lady!!!
coach b
I love your blog! I tried the spinach, basil and tomato dish last night and I am trying this one tonight. Do you cook the broccoli before mixing it into the salad? Thanks!!
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What delicious combination, I think that the Broccoli and Salad is so healthy, I remember when my mother cooked it when I was young and we lived together.
What a awesome salad. this meal is the best option to start my day thank you!
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