This is one of the meals I make quite often, for breakfast, dinner or lunch. Mostly when I forget/neglect to make lunch the night before and I'm rushed in the morning, I'll just grab a bag of salad- toss in some olives+oil and close it tightly. Then throw that in my bag with a can 'o tuna. All 3 ingredients are staples in my kitchen.
I'm a bit planning-challenged, but I've managed to work around that by having certain items always around. A lot of my meals are based around bags of salad. They are pure win.
*This was one of my beginner mistakes, and just goes to show that you need to understand some of the theory behind the paleo or other healthy diets. It's not just a list of food you can and can't eat.
"As long as you're not having only fruit and nuts for breakfast*" Would you please give me some additional information about this topic. Why is this a mistake? Thank you.
Basically you're not getting enough protein doing that, which means you'll be hungry again pretty quick. Also, if you're filling up on fruits and nuts then you are probably getting too many carbs and will have your blood sugar spike- another way to get hungry again quickly.
And last but not least, too many nuts equals too many calories and will kick your omega balance right out of the window.
I hope that answers your question :)
YUMMY tuna. Staple in my house too, and cans of salmon also.
Have you ever made tuna salad with fresh tuna? Grill a piece of tuna and then chop it up like tuna salad. Maybe with some home made mayo. ;-)
I've been planning to make some mayo involved tuna salad Marc, but i've been to lazy! Perhaps I will this saturday to eat while watching the game :) Not with fresh tuna though, 'fraid I can't afford it :(
Looks good, Naomi. My most common fallback meal is the tuna salad made with whatever is on hand that will mix ok with it. It's just so easy & it tastes good every time.
And it's easy to always have tuna on hand, since it doesn't exactly go bad. I've also found it to be one of the only items I can use a coupon for, since most coupons are for processed junk I wouldn't buy anyways.
you are so like I am.
we are up in herre.
breakfast is like any other meal of the day and oft, for me, grilled chicken or ostrich :)
Thank you Lemur :) I've never actually found any coupons for tuna.. but the type I buy is only 40 cents or so. And only water added.. can't argue with that! No chicken coupons for you?
Any tips for things to put in the tuna salad?
Mizfit you make me smile all the time ;) Can you believe I only ate ostrich once, like.. 5 years ago? I remember it because my sister made a fuss about eating it. (poor bird, blabla, little girls eh)
I've got a really good chicken recipe for you soon, stay tuned ;)
Oh, how's that grill doing?
I like this. Nice and simple. I get bored with salads and don't feel full but I think adding Olives will do the trick. Maybe even throw some nuts in and crumpled feta cheese.
Nice and simple is the idea :) Good luck with your salad adventures, I've really come to love all the different things you can do with a salad.. the possibility's are simply endless!
Mashed some tuna last night with tehinaa, lemon and stoneground mustard. It was good
Tuna with salad is one of my favourite foods, i also like to include boiled eggs. I make that salad with lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, lemon, a bit of salt, olive oil, tuna and eggs. Sometimes i add other things, like onion, corn and stuff like that. It's something very simple and rich in protein.
Yea, there are so many options :) I'll have to try tehina+mustard (I've never ever eaten tehina!) and it's been a pretty long time since I've had eggs with my tuna. Mmmmm.
I love it, tuna salad is the easiest to make, so When I lived alone I used to cook it because I had not free time, so Great information...
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