For the mayo;
- 1 egg yolk
- 0,2 ml olive oil
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
For the dip;
- half a cucumber
- 4 cloves garlic
- mint, dill, basil, chervil or rosemary
- a little bit of black pepper
After you've made your mayo, take your cucumber and rasp it into little bits. Make small bits out of your garlic aswell- if you have the time, it's a good touch to use roasted garlic. Mix both through the mayo, be gentle.
Next it's time to pick your herb, use chervil or rosemary if you want it to taste a little bit stronger- stick with mint or dill for the extra fresh taste. Of course, feel free to experiment!
If the dip is still a little bit to thick for your taste or purpose, either up the cucumber or add a little bit of water to make it thinner.
This goes does well with as a dip for veggies, like cucumber or carrots. It's a little bit too light of a taste for paprika imo, but as a thinner version it can be used to compliment spicy chicken wings :)
I'm going to have to try this!!!!
I love tzatziki.
I used to make it....but it would leave me famished in search of food for the rest of the day ;-)
I'll let you know how it comes out.
Thanks and I'll have to cross post on my blog, but of course give you full credit.
Chow On
I've been waiting for a Paleo Maven like yourself to post something with homemade mayo. What could be better than the the gorgeous alchemy of egg yolk and olive oil?
Hey! Check out this recipe for Mayo using bacon fat:
God, that sounds good.
Keep up the good work!
Ah Marc, I can't wait for you to try it! I'm sure you'll find a way to improve upon it :)
Hiya Jay, feel free ;) It was your blog that made me remember about mayo a while back. Thanks!
Orie, what can I say? :D You always make me grin! And you taught me a new word too... though you flatter me far too much ;)
That bacon mayo does sound extremely tempting- I'm at a complete loss as to how one is meant to acquire liquid bacon fat though. Do enlighten me!
Hey, if there is a Maven of true Paleo recipes, you are definitely her!
Regarding the bacon fat:
A gentle heat ought to do it, very low heat on the stove and then let it cool just a little.
Or you could get a zip-lock plastic bag you really trust and walk around with it in your pocket. 10 minutes ought to be sufficient. :)
Hahaha, the thought of a plastic bag full of bacon fat in your pocket is really cracking me up xD
Thanks :)
I'm assuming because of the raw egg, this one won't keep in the fridge too long. Has anyone tried freezing/defrosing this recipe to see how it holds up?
I make a weekly batch of mayo and never have a problem with the mayo spoiling. I also take care not to cross-contaminate the mayo with utensils that have touched other foods, especially proteins.
I've seen mayo recipes with a touch of whey added (strained from live culture yogurt), which is supposed to extend safe "shelf life".
But I just make a small 1 or 2 egg batch of mayo and use it within a week or 10 days, stored in a covered glass jar in the fridge. I'd probably try to use a sauce/dip like this a bit quicker, because of the added veggie ingredients. But innoculating it with probiotic lacto-bacteria might extend shelf life.
Hello .. firstly I would like to send greetings to all readers. After this, I recognize the content so interesting about this recipe, I follow the text word by word, and I can't understand this part about "Next it's time to pick your herb", because sounds really estrange!
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